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Website Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting this website. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions contained in this document carefully, as any use of this website means that you have accepted the terms and conditions listed here.

References in this website to “we”, “our”, “Maxdao”, “Maxdao Group”, etc., refer to Maxdao Switzerland Ltd. and any of its subsidiaries. Any reference to this website in this website refers to any person who contacts and/or uses this website.

Website privacy notice

All personal information or information transmitted to this website is subject to the privacy policy of Maxdao Group’s protection of privacy and personal data as set out in this website.

Correctness, completeness, and timeliness of information

We are not responsible for the correctness and completeness of the information on the website. All reliance on the materials on this website is at its own risk. You agree to be responsible for any changes to the information and information on this website.


All non-personal communications or materials that you transmit to the Site via email or otherwise, including all materials, questions, comments, suggestions, or other similar content, are considered non-confidential and non-private. All content transmitted or posted by you to the Site is the property of Maxdao Group and may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to reproduction, disclosure, transmission, distribution, broadcast, and posting. In addition, any of your ideas, artwork, ideas, inspirations, suggestions, or concepts transmitted to this website, Maxdao Group is free to use for a variety of purposes (including but not limited to product development, production, promotion, and marketing). For all of the above related uses, Maxdao Group is not responsible for providing information. By providing information, you also warrant that the information provided by you is owned by you, and Maxdao will not infringe the rights of any third party or otherwise violate any applicable law by using the information. The Maxdao Group is also not obligated to use the information submitted.

Intellectual property rights

® The registered trademark holder is Maxdao Products Ltd. of Switzerland. The Maxdao Group reserves all rights.

The copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights of all text, images, and other materials on this website are the property of Maxdao Group or are licensed by the relevant owner.

You are permitted to access this website, copy excerpts (references), print them to your hard drive, or forward them to others. The only prerequisite is that you must retain all copyrights, other proprietary notices, and trademark notices appearing on the copy. The reproduction of any part of the website may not be sold or distributed commercially, nor may it be modified or added to other works, publications, or websites.

The trademarks, logos, typefaces, and service marks (collectively referred to as “trademarks”) appearing on this website are owned by the Maxdao Group. Nothing on this website may be deemed to confer a license or to use any of the trademarks appearing on this website. Except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, you are strictly prohibited from using the trademarks appearing on this website or any other content on this website. You should also note that Maxdao Group will fully implement its intellectual property rights directly to the maximum legal level.

Link to other sites

Links within the Maxdao Group website may lead you to non-Maxdao networks and systems. Maxdao is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or functionality of these networks and systems. The links are provided in good faith and Maxdao Group is not responsible for any subsequent changes to the linked website. We strongly recommend that you read and understand the legal and privacy notices on all other websites you browse.

Use this website at your own risk.


This website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and Maxdao does not provide any form of warranty, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise (including implied warranties of commercial sale, satisfactory quality, and applicability for a specific purpose), including guarantee or representation that the information on the website will be complete, accurate, trustworthy, timely; not infringe of third party rights; that access to this website will be unimpeded or that there will be no errors within the website; and that this website will be safe, and any advice is accurate or trustworthy. Any representation or warranty is expressly denied.

Please note that some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some exclusions may not apply to you, please check your local laws.

We reserve the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your access to this website or any features of this website at any time without notice.

Legal Liability

Maxdao Group and/or other persons involved in the creation, production or transmission of this website are not responsible for the material maintenance and service provision of this website or for any corrections, updates, or postings relating to this website. Any materials on this website are subject to change without notice.

In addition, Maxdao Group does not have any responsibility or liability for any damages that may result on your computer equipment or other property being infected with a virus as a result of your use, access, or download of any material on this website. If you choose to download materials from this website, you do so at your own risk.

Prohibited Activity

You are prohibited from engaging in any act that Maxdao Group has deemed to be inappropriate or will deem unlawful, or that is prohibited by any law applicable to the Site, including but not limited to:

  • Any act that would constitute a breach of privacy (including the uploading of personal data without the consent of the person concerned) or the legal rights of any other individual;
  • Use of this website to undermine Maxdao Group, its employees, or others or to undermine the good reputation of Maxdao Group in this way;
  • Uploading a file containing a virus and causing damage to Maxdao’s property or other personal property;
  • Posting or transmitting any unauthorized material to the Site, including but not limited material that conveys racism, obscenity, threats, pornographic content, or other illegal material, which we believe may cause nuisance, disadvantage, or violation of Maxdao Group or third party companies,

You and Maxdao agree that any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to the use of this website shall be subject to the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Use of the website

  • Unless otherwise stated, this website is for your personal use only and is not for commercial use. You may not authorize others to use this website;
  • We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to unilaterally review, edit, move, or delete any material displayed or posted on the Website or its bulletin board without notice;
  • You may not modify, copy, reset, reprint, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any Materials, including the code and software on the Site, in any way;
  • You agree not to use any obscenity or defamatory language, and to not post any material that is defamatory, insulting, harassing, racist, or hateful on this website. You agree to use this website only in accordance with the law;
  • You are responsible for ensuring that any material you provide on the Site or posted on the Bulletin Board or Forum or elsewhere does not violate copyright, trademark, or other personal or any third party rights;
  • You agree to not damage, cover, attack, modify, or interfere with the Site and its related software, hardware, and/or servers in any way.

If you do not comply with the above terms, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to this website.

Confidentiality and confidentiality agreement

You agree not to disclose, copy, use, and directly or indirectly provide any confidential information that is sold or disclosed to any third party and disclosed by Maxdao Group. This will be marked as “confidential information” or similar, including proprietary materials, processes, and techniques related to future product or service concept review and testing in online or offline surveys or discussions.